V. Works Cited

Charlotte Perkins (Stetson) Gilman, The Critics, and The Yellow Wallpaper: Fiction "With a Purpose" vs. Literary Interpretation of the Subtext--The Need to Know the Rest of the Story (by Jennifer Semple Siegel)

Works Cited

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1935.

-----. Women and Economics. New York: Source Books, 1970.

-----. The Yellow Wallpaper. Old Westbury (NY): The Feminist Press, 1973.

Gornick, Vivian. "Twice Told Tales." Nation 23 Sep.1978: 278-281.

Hedges, Elaine R. "'Afterword' to The Yellow Wallpaper," by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Old Westbury (NY): Feminist Press, 1973: 37-63.

Kennard, Jean E. "Convention Coverage or How to Read Your Own Life." New Literary History XIII:1 (Autumn 1981): 69-88.

Lane, Ann J. To Herland and Beyond: The Life and Work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. New York: Pantheon Books, 1990.

Lanser, Susan S. "Feminist Criticism, The Yellow Wallpaper, and the Politics of Color in America." Feminist Studies 15 (1989): 415-441.

Shumaker, Conrad. "'Too Terribly Good to be Printed': Charlotte Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper.'" American Literature 57 (1985): 592-93.


Originally published in The CEA Critic: An Official Journal of The College English Association, 59:3 (Spring/Summer 1997): 44-57.

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